Saturday, June 19, 2010

suPra Shoes!!!

Oh My Gosh!!!!! I want these shoes badly!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

define Tomboy:

tomboy literally means a GIRL who acts like a spirited BOY..
you know.. I don't mind anybody calling me a tomboy or whatsoever..
I just wanna make myself clear.. Eventhough sometimes I act like one but in real life I'm NOT..
I can be as girlish as I want and I can also be as boyish as I can.. I'm just me.. very special or you can say I'm weird or also unique.. That's me.. and I love being me.. I'm not those typical kinda girl who acts like a *****.. I don't act stupid infront of guys like how other girls act.. You know, I just don't really care what other people think about me.. I just like to do it my way- Steph's way.. I love making suprises.. you'll never know what I'm gonna do next..
and you can never read my mind.. I guess I have made myself clear enough, so just accept the fact that I'm me.. Steph..

note: to anybody who is reading this.. Don't 'terasa'..

Thursday, June 17, 2010

grEat Day..S2

it's feels great chatting with my friends today..
they cure my 'bored-ness'..
thanks May, Sook Mei and of course the one who nearly killed me by making me laugh.. Mr.Salmon Fish..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

friends are foreVer

I know there's a little problem between us these days.. but I'm sure everything will be alright after the holidays.. I want those days back when we fight, we cry, we make fun of each other, beating up each other for no reason, and fooling around with our 'Sampat-Ness'..

no matter what happen.. I'll always love you: Nadia, Manda, May, Cheng Mun, Cheah Ming and Sook Mei..

get the hell out of me.!!

what's your problem?? acting like some kind of freak.. I was just asking.. you don't need to over react.. slap you in the face if you're infront of me now!! you better change your attitude before i try tear you apart!!